16 kwietnia, 2011

suuuuch a beautiful day in central park/////

and there's nothing more amazing than upper east side with 5th avenue by evening, especially when you're sitting on the MET's stairs and drinking coffee, awww.
i don't need anything more, seriously.

26 marca, 2011

dzień całkiem udany, czy nie?

25 marca, 2011

hey, you've just started to be my priority. isn't it ridiculous?
and honestly, i can't even handle it.
2 weeks till the break, finally.
oh, and i truly hope that it's not over, it can't be.

19 marca, 2011

 3 tygodnie, wytrzymamy przecież.
oeoeoe, dobrze jest.



18 marca, 2011

11 lutego, 2011

direction: usa.
jeszcze kilka tygodni, kilka zaliczeń. 
idealny moment na wyjazd, mhm.